Monday 9th March 2020
Guest Speaker: Duncan Coombes
Subject: Hidcote; a garden created by Lawrence Johnston
Start time: 7.45pm
Where: Dodford Village Hall B61 9DD
Duncan Coombes RHS advisor at Pershore College will make a return visit to Dodford to give his talk on the gardens at Hidcote Manor in the Cotswolds. The gardens were designed by Lawerence Johnston a gardener and plant hunter who arrived at Hidcote in 1907. If you are interested come along and join us, you need not be a member. Non-members: £3 per person to include tea/coffee & biscuits
Open Gardens @ Hanley Swan
Members may be interested in the following information that has been received
17 gardens will be open from 12noon until 5pm on Saturday 2nd May and Sunday 3rd May 2020. Light lunches & afternoon teas are available
Tickets are £6 per person and can be used on both days.
Hanley Swan is a beautiful village in the foothills of the Malvern Hills. WR8 ODN