Programme 2024/2025
This years programme is quite varied and will hopefully appeal to members and visitors. Our indoor meetings are held in Dodford Village Hall, Priory Road, Dodford B61 9DD and open at 7.30pm with the talk or demonstration starting at 7.45pm. Complimentary tea or coffee and biscuits are available after the talk. The annual membership remains at £15.00 and visitors pay £3.00 per meeting.It is possible to become a member at any time of the year and the subscription fee is then calculated on a pro-rata basis.
A Summer Social Evening is organised in a member’s garden and there is always at least one group visit to a fairly local unknown garden.
September is when members and non members can exhibit their homegrown or home made produce in our Village Show. The Show Schedule is available on this website or telephone Penny on 07706 153618 for further information.
Monday 14th October
'Bearded Iris: some history, some people, some plants!' - Alun and Jill Whitehead
On Monday 14th October Alun and Jill will travel from Herefordshire to give their talk on Bearded Iris highlighting the rainbow of colours that Iris flowers come in and that they are easier than most people think to grow.
Jill and Alun moved to Aulden farm in Herefordshire in 1996 with the dream to develop a 3 acre garden and make a living from selling plants.
Monday 11th November
'Pruning, Keeping them in Shape.' - Philip Aubrey
On Monday 11th November Philip will come and give us loads of information on how to keep our shrubs in tip top shape and health through using the correct pruning methods.
Monday 9th December
AGM followed by Bring and Share Christmas Supper
Monday 13th January 2025
'Overbury Court Gardens' - Harry Green
Harry has moved gardens! We will welcome Harry back to Dodford on Monday 13th January, he is now Head Gardener at Overbury Court Gardens, Harry Joined Overbury Court Gardens in 2020 from Moreton Hall Gardens. Overbury Court is a 10 acre garden at the centre of a lovely Cotswold village nestled amongst Capability Brown inspired Parkland near Tewkesbury.
Monday 10th February
'Building a Garden in the Sky' - Pam Smith
Pam is a senior National Trust Gardens and Parks Consultant for the Midlands region. Pam's talk will cover her design for the gardens of the Castlefield Viaduct project, 'the garden in the sky' where a derelict viaduct in Manchester has been turned into an urban park by planting trees, flowers and shrubs. The park opened in August 2022.
Monday 10th March
'Berried Treasure' - Duncan Coombes
We will welcome back Duncan to Dodford on Monday 10th March. Duncan's talk will cover mainly autumn and winter, looking at the colour and interest that can be obtained by including a range of trees, shrubs and some hardy perennials in your garden. As March is still a suitable month for planting there should be lots of ideas that we will be able to take home and maybe implement and look forward to seeing berries the following autumn.
Monday 14th April
'Apples' - Greg Hunt from Fruitfields
Greg is a very enthusiastic speaker and successful grower of apples. Greg will come and give us lots of information on how to grow, when and how to prune and just as importantly when is the right time to harvest which is end product and variety dependant.
There will be mini samples of Apple Juice and Cider available to try.
Wednesday 14th May Pershore College Wholesale Nursery - 2.30pm
Tour of the Wholesale Nursery at Pershore College where we will see the complete process, from propagation right through to final potting and growing on to retail sale. We will get a good idea of what goes on in growing a plant for a garden centre.
June - Daytime trip to a garden of interest (TBC)
July - Evening visit to a Members Garden
August - No Meeting
Saturday 6th September
The Dodford Show
THE DODFORD SHOW on SATURDAY 6th SEPTEMBER. We hope to see members and non members on the day either exhibiting or supporting this annual event in its 68th year. Geoff Oke is the Show Judge for the vegetable, fruit and flower classes so lets put on a fantastic display of our home grown produce and members don’t forget that you can also enter the W.I Classes as well!
All members of the community can come along to the Village Hall and see the exhibits when the show opens at 3.00pm(FREE ENTRY).Catch up with your friends and neighbours whilst enjoying a cup of tea with a slice of WI homemade cake! There will also be a raffle and auction of produce.
Reminder : Members, if you can spare an hour, on Friday 5th September come along to the village hall at 2.30pm to help set up the tables etc. for the show.